Sunday, April 24, 2016

Scientific method (warning, you have to be andre or matthew or your gonna have a bad time)

To start the scientific method, think of a question that will take you a while to research, not just 5 minutes! 
it should also have a hypothesis as well, with tests, observations and a whole other balonga!

questions that are GOOD for the scientific method:
Is it possible to create an automated turret that shoots whole bullets? and can we build one?
Image result for portal turret

Can we create a spectroscopic scanner that literally shoots focused shafts of white spectrum to examine unknown fauna or flora's biological structure and Evolution line and connect it to a portable and lightweight computer to review the data some time into the future?
Image result for pda subnautica

what are robots?
what is a person?

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Experiment one: create a rube gold burg that can make spaghetti!(and not crabs(blech))
Experiment two:can a laser be focused just enough to light wood?
Experiment three:what happens if you drink soda and put a mento in with the soda in your mouth?! will you spit soda?or will you just let a stream of that fizz out of your mouth(like barfing rainbows,almost(it's soda for crying out loud))
Experiment 4:Can people get addicted to ketchup after eating fries with too much of it?

Sunday, April 10, 2016

sciency stuff

professions of science:
engineer: a scientist in some,non kooky or chemestric way.
doctor: branches into 2 stems, medical doctor and a mental hospital doctor
chemist: my favorite profession, 2 chemicals won't mix with out going boom? then just alter each chemical's natural chemistry by switching out one piece of one chemical with a strand from the other, easy peasy lemon sqeazy
mad scientist: not in real life, but anyways,does very very VERY weird and kooky things, mixing up stuff that makes you wanna vomit. like these crazy,disgusting...things:Image result for cluster gems
yep, now i wanna vomit.(oolp!)if this doesn't make you barf than i don't know what will.
chemical engineer:works with chemicals and engineers ways to understand them better(my parents are chemical engineers)
electrical engineer:engineers that study the cycle of energy,and look at more effective and less polluting ways to harvest energy,so far hydro dams and wind turbines and solar panels are as close as we can currently get.
surgeon:fiddles around with diseased body parts, and (prepare yourselves, this is so gross) cuts people open and looks at diseased or damaged body parts, like these pictures:

Achilles heel

ooh i feel sick already, i'm gonna wrap it up.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Christopher bill

Christopher bill is a trombonist that uses looping in his music so he doesn't have to get a WHOLE ORCHESTRA to play it. He was born in June 9, 1992, meaning he's 23 years old post-2016
here is a link to one of his videos: press this mystery button to initiate a teleport to a video
Image result for christopher bill
he is also a singer,a composer and an arranger